Lisa lives in Houston, in the Heights, near W. 20th Street. Lisa lives in a part of Houston known as much for its potlucks as its patchy lawns, as much for its charming garage sales as for its struggling football team (the local high school nearly holds the state record for most consecutive losses in a season). It’s a tight knit community where neighbors watch out for one another, and on one evening a few months ago, it was neighbors who called the police when a strange man entered Lisa’s garage as her car pulled in.

Half a minute was all the time the man needed to sneak into Lisa’s garage, but it was not enough time for him to hide. Lisa turned off her car and spotted the intruder almost immediately. One glance in her rearview mirror and Lisa saw his silhouette against the boxes of Christmas decorations recently boxed up and stacked against the garage wall. Her garage door was still open, and the man was backlit. She couldn’t make out the features of his face. Just his size. He stared at her. Then he ran away.

Shaken, Lisa closed her garage door immediately with the garage door opener button just outside the door to the interior of her home. Then she went inside to call the police. They told her one of her neighbors had beaten her to it. Someone, some self-appointed Neighborhood Watch-person, had seen the man loitering on the street as he or she returned from work. Later, the good samaritan watched as the would-be intruder entered Lisa’s garage behind her. The police were summoned immediately.

By the time the police were on the scene, Lisa’s nerves had calmed down considerably. Now she has this advice for her neighbors, including the one who may have saved her life: “Close your garage door as quickly as possible. You never know whether someone will be waiting behind you.”

Fort Worth garage door

Fort Worth Garage Door

This post first appeared on https://www.fortworthgaragedoors.co

Safety Check

When was the last time you did a safety check on your garage door? For a lot of people this is one of the last things on their to do list…if it is even on there at all. While we completely understand why it wouldn’t be something on your high priority list but we would also want to encourage you to consider putting it there.

Your garage doors is a giant piece of equipment, possibly the biggest piece in your home. If something goes amiss it can cause a lot of damage or even death. It is not something to take lightly. If the sensor stop working right or the springs snap all of a sudden the door can drop suddenly and it will not care who or what is underneath it at the time. That is why it is so important to keep up on the safety checks and make sure all of the elements are in working order regularly.

We aren’t saying you have to have the garage door checked every day or even every month but in our ideal world you would have everything looked at every 6 months Most garage door will continue to work for decades with the right care so let us help you keep your door working and everyone safe as can be.

It is also better to have a professional take a look at the door at least once a year to check everything since they are well versed in what potential problems to look for.

This post first appeared on https://www.fortworthgaragedoors.co

Should You Invest In Garage Door Insulation?

From wild winds to flash floods, tornadoes in December and balmy Christmases in New York City, there’s no denying that climate change is real and having lasting effects on the environment. One way for eco-conscious homeowners to reduce their carbon footprint is to green their homes; one easy way to green your home is to insulate your garage or garage door, making it more energy efficient.
For total home heating and cooling effectiveness, consider insulating your home’s garage door. Energy efficiency is especially important for garages that are attached to the home. An energy efficient, insulated garage door will keep cold air out of your residence in cold winter months and the hot hair outside where it belongs during the summer, so you don’t wind up with higher heating or cooling bills. Not only will insulating your home’s garage door reduce your energy costs, it makes it easier to transition the garage into a sparse for dual use, like a living room or work space, and it can even make your garage more safe. 
Before investing in a greener garage door, research R-values. R-values are an index for determining the energy efficiency of the door and its degree of insulation. If you already have a particular model of garage door in mind, check with the manufacturer to make sure that the R-value rating is for the entire garage door, not just its center panel. The garage doors with the best R-value on the market are the ones with injections of polyurethane foam insulation between the ribs.
One drawback of insulating the garage door you already have, as opposed to the entire garage, is that the constant movement of the garage door will cause the insulation to wear down, which means you’ll have to insulate your door again and again. Buying a garage door that is already insulated will only solve one part of the problem. Instead, consider insulating your home from your garage.
garage door openers fort worth

This post first appeared on https://www.fortworthgaragedoors.co

Fort Worth Garage Doors | Open NYE

Are you getting ready for you NYE celebrations? It is insane that 2016 is only a week away! We know the last thing you are probably thinking about at this time of the year is your garage door. However, if you go out and get home to a broken door you will be really happy to know we are open NYE!

We want you to focus your New Years on planning all the great things you are going to do in 2016 not be worried about your garage door working. It is also important to make sure you start the year with positive energy. So, if you get home at 2am on the 1st and your garage door is giving you issues give us a call right away. We have technicians ready and willing to come get your door working right again so you can go to sleep feeling confident that you are safe with your door securely closed.

We never charge extra for emergency service even on holiday’s. That is why it really makes no sense not to call us if you run into an issue even on NYE. Don’t wait and put yourself at higher risk for robbery, instead call us so we can get out there and fix everything up.

garage door openers

This post first appeared on https://www.fortworthgaragedoors.co


Oklahoma City residents and officials have been on alert since local news outlet Channel 4 exposed con artist Derek Verdalette earlier this year. The accused scammer was called out for misleading unsuspecting patrons of his bogus garage door company, and is currently serving out suspended sentences for several fraud convictions.

“At least three people claim he’s running a scam online,” the news site reported. “His only advertisement is on Craigslist,” added customer Jason Jump, referring to the site most useful for buying second hand Ikea furniture, but more infamous for being a hotbed of sketchy activity. Since childhood, Jump has been teased mercilessly for his alliterative name. “He’s a con man,” he said bitterly. Jump wasn’t the only one burned by the audacious (and sloppy) criminal activity perpetrated by Verdalette, who’s been accused by multiple Oklahoma City denizens of stealing deposits for garage doors that he never intended to deliver.

Verdalette also hired the local branch of a national moving company to move his belongings, but when the time came to pay up, his card wouldn’t go through. “[He] asked for payment and when he tried to make payment the credit card came back as lost or stolen,” owner Randy Franklin said.

“We checked and his probation officer hasn’t heard from him in months,” Channel 4 reported. “We know Verdalette’s still trying to solicit new business online and still using the name Oklahoma Overhead Door Company.”

That’s bad news for red ribbon distributor Overhead Door Company of Oklahoma City, a legitimate company operated by Ron McFarland, who says people keep calling up his office to complain about Verdalette.

“He does not work here, never has,” McFarland said, shaking his head. “I don’t even know the guy. I just know people call in on him and they think it’s us and it’s not.” Meanwhile, Verdalette’s number of dissatisfied customers keeps growing while the con-artist continues to evade Oklahoma City police.

This post first appeared on https://www.fortworthgaragedoors.co

Fort Worth Garage Doors | Pet Safety

If you have a garage door and you have a pet then you probably already know how important it is to keep your pet away from the garage door when it is moving. Fort Worth Garage Doors is just here for a friendly reminder. We would highly recommend keeping your pets away from the garage door at all times if possible. You never know when an accident might happen and the door might suddenly open or fall, hurting anyone or anything underneath.

It is also possible for wild animals to wander into your garage when it is open and they can be potentially harmful to your pets as well. Some people like keeping their dog in the garage when they aren’t home but this can be very dangerous for your dog. Not only are there more potential dangers in there (i.e. chemicals and machines) but there are also other dangers like wild animals and the temperature. If you are cold outside then you can imagine your animal will be too. So, please this holiday season think of your pet as you would a family member (that you like) and keep them safe and warm.

It is also worth noting that although your pet will not be rescued out of a cold car like they will a hot one in the summer it is still not good to leave your pet in a really cold car. If you need any assistance with your garage door please call Fort Worth Garage Doors! We can help keep your door working right so that the chance of accidents is greatly decreased. It is always worth it to keep your safety in mind as well as your pets. If you are going to leave your dog in the garage when you aren’t home then you definitely want to make sure the door is insulated correctly!

This post first appeared on https://www.fortworthgaragedoors.co


To a true artist, the whole world’s a canvas. To an artist who’s also a homeowner, there’s no greater canvas than the plain garage door. Long neglected as a platform for artistic expression, now the garage door is being recognized for it’s decorative potential. Now, thanks to one imaginative homeowner from Germany, the garage door is the source of a whole new business for him, and a new fad for homeowners. The product, created by German artist-entreprenuer Thomas Sassenbach and sold on styleyourgarage.com, is a weather and fire-resistant print designed to disguise the kind of boring, flaky, greying metalwork that characterizes the average garage door.

Sassenbach’s company prints images onto plastic sheets which can be stuck onto the facade of any garage door. Held in place by industrial strength Velcro, the extremely realistic images can create the impression that the garage contains a luxury vehicle, or a private jet,an oversized animal, or “the kind of equipment that any fledgling rock band would be proud of.” The garage door cover-ups are so realistic that, from a distance, they would undoubtedly fool an onlooker. Sassenbach’s available images include a Manhattan subway station, Formula One racing cars, an elephant, a crocodile, a private jet, and a speedboat. The weather and fire-resistant prints are easy to change and virtually indestructible.

These photo-realist garage doors are part of an international craze: designed not so much to keep up with the Joneses (and their private jet parked in the home garage), but to freak them out, says the Daily Mail. The paper published a series of photos of the garage doors online. Although the trend began in Germany, it’s now gone international. Now garage door owners with a sense of humor in the UK are clamoring for the garage door designs. And for fellow imaginative homeowners, Sassenbach will customise any image on request.

This post first appeared on https://www.fortworthgaragedoors.co

Fort Worth Garage Doors | Safety First

A garage door is something that almost every house has these days. They are so common most people don’t even think about them unless they are broken for some reason. While this might be the norm it is not the best way to be dealing with your garage door. A garage door is still a very heavy piece of equipment that if not handled properly can fall on you or a loved one. That is why there are certain safety measures you should go to.

You should never let your kids or animals play on or around the door. A lot of people will put in basketball hoops in the driveway, and that is fine…just make sure that the hoop is far enough away from the garage door that if for some reason it unexpectedly opens or closes it won’t possibly harm anyone who might be playing a little b-ball.

You also want to make sure and keep all pets away from the door at all times. We never recommend letting an animal loose inside the garage even if the door is closed because you never know if the door will open or become faulty.

Teach your kids not to play with the door and that they should stay away from it whenever possible unless actually going in or out of the door. Too many kids get hurt riding the door up and down every year, and it is something that can easily be avoided. Be smart and stay safe!

This post first appeared on https://www.fortworthgaragedoors.co

How to fix a garage door that squeaks, rattles and rolls – Part 2

In the first part of this series we started looking and what could be causing your garage door to make noises. Today we will conclude with part two.

The garage door springs could also be the cause of the noise. Garage doors have several different types of springs that could need replacing. There are extension springs found above the tracks above the door. You will see them on both sides of the doors. Some garage doors have torsion springs. You should never try to replace or remove these springs on your own. They are under a great amount of pressure, and can be extremely dangerous for a do-it-yourselfer to repair or replace. Call Fort Worth Garage Doors to have a professional handle it for you safely and quickly.

It could also be the hinges that are causing the problem. As with all parts of a door, the hinges will wear down over time and need additional lubrication. The hinges could be causing the noise whenever the door opens and closes. Check the hinges to see if it appears that they need a replacement or just a bit of lubricant.

Is Your Garage Door Still Too Loud?

If you’ve taken these steps and found that the garage still seems too loud, it could simply be the reverberation of the opening and closing seeming loud in the garage. Some choose to insulate the tracks with rubber to help cut down on the noise.

If you need a garage door repair, or a replacement, you will want to make sure that you get in touch contact us at (800) 416 – 9193. We can help make your garage door work perfectly and quietly.

This post first appeared on https://www.fortworthgaragedoors.co

What Does An R-18 Insulated Garage Door Mean?

On this record cold morning of -2 degrees, with the wind chill feel of -21 in Allentown, all of us are thinking about energy efficient products to keep your home as warm as possible. A.B.E. Doors & Windows sells the Raynor Affina garage door that has one of the highest insulating values on the market, R-18. Like most consumers, this number means nothing to them when you just say it. So I decided to perform a little experiment at my home this morning to explain what it means. I have two Raynor Affina 9’w x 7’h garage doors installed on my garage at home. My garage is attached to my home, but is not heated. I took a picture on my GMC Acadia’s dash board with the car parked in the garage. The temperature read 32 degrees. After I drove 3 miles to work, the temperature read -6 degrees. So when I ask the question, “What does an R-18 insulated garage door mean to your home?” I can say it kept my garage 34 degrees warmer than the actual temperature outside!

This post first appeared on https://www.abedoors.com

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