Month: July 2023

The Heat is On! What Not to Keep in Your Garage




The heat is on! Your garage is a great place to store items, but when the temperatures rise, there are some things that should never be kept in the garage. Look at this list and make some adjustments if necessary. We want all your belongings safe and in good shape for the years to come. 

Your spare refrigerator. We know it’s the ideal place to have one, but when temps start climbing, your fridge works overtime to keep it’s contents cold. That means more energy consumption and higher bills. Fridges work best when kept in a room that is around 65 to 78 degrees. If you have a spot in your basement or other room in the home, keep it there.

The extra propane tank. Not only could a leak seep into the garage exposing people to the risk of asphyxiation, but a small spark could ignite the tank. Limit the chance of a fire and keep your tank in an open area. 

We all like to stock up on canned goods, paper towels and food items in bulk, but the garage is not the area to store them. That big bag of rice is prime pickings for mice and other critters to nibble on. Canned items run the risk of getting rust and spoiling because of the fluctuating temps. Paper (in any form-towels, tax documents, comic books) are another item that mice and insects love to feast on. It may be a good time to reorganize some kitchen cabinets and create some storage inside your home.

Antiques, pictures and heirloom furniture are all at risk when left in your garage. Moisture, changes in temperature and insects can all ruin these cherished mementos. Better to store them in the home, in tightly seals plastic bins. 

Bonus tip: Elevate these items off the floor to avoid possible water damage.

Flammable items. Oily rags, gasoline or oil-based paints all run the risk of catching fire. Throw away dirty rags after any tune up or project. Move paints to a closet that sees cooler temps. While you can keep gas in the garage, make sure it is in an approved container and place it on a platform (away from sunlight) to help maintain temperature & limit condensation. Also check with your local community regarding their limit on how many gallons of gas can be stored.

Clothing, bedding or other materials. Besides the risk of bugs getting to these items, the heat and humidity can lead to mold and mildew. Plus, who wants to use a winter blanket that smells like car fumes.

Enjoy your summer! 


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Wood vs. Steel Garage Doors

Wood vs. Steel Garage Doors

A garage door is a long-term investment — you see and use it every day and need to be confident that you can rely on it to protect your vehicle, home and family. Some of the most popular materials used to manufacture garage doors are wood and steel. The material you choose depends on your budget, style preferences and more. Whether you are considering extending a single garage to fit another car, want a detached garage, or need to replace or upgrade your current door, the selection process requires some thought and research. 

There are a few factors to consider when choosing between steel vs. wood garages. We’ll walk you through these different factors and the associated pros and cons of wood garages and steel garages to help you determine which is ideal for your needs. 

Table of Contents


Cost is likely one of the first things you’ll consider — do you want to get the best value for your money, are you able to splurge on quality, or are you willing to spend more to achieve a certain look? Here are some pros and cons of steel garages vs. wood garages related to costs: 

  • Wood garage doors: Wood garage doors are generally more expensive than steel garage doors. Different factors will affect the cost of wood garage doors, including the type of wood and the size of your door. For example, hardwood is heavier and will cost more to install. However, if you love the look of wood doors, you have some options, including faux wood garage doors made from steel with a wood finish. These doors are more affordable and give the look of a wooden door. 
  • Steel garage doors: Steel garage doors can vary in price, depending on the size of your door, the number of steel layers, the type of insulation and the design style. Customization can add to the overall cost. 

Another cost you’ll want to consider is the cost of acquiring a permit to install a new or replacement door. Permit laws will vary by state and municipality but are in place whether you are installing a wood or steel garage door. 

Curb Appeal

Your garage door is a major part of your home, and you want it to be eye-catching. The great thing about both steel and wood garage doors is that they come in various colors and styles. You can experiment with colors and customize your doors to your taste and liking. Here’s how wood and steel garage doors can impact your home’s curb appeal: 

  • Wood garage doors: Wood garage doors are an elegant addition to any home. The natural grains and texture of wood can’t be replicated so you won’t find any other door like yours. 
  • Steel garagedoors: Steel doors offer a more modern look, though it depends on the finishing you choose. White and grey garage doors complement the other colors in your home, black garage doors look sleek and sophisticated, and bold colors like red could attract more attention to your home. 

Insulation Needs

Insulation Needs

If you’re considering building a detached garage, your priority might be space and size rather than insulation and energy savings. However, you may want to consider insulation if your garage is attached to your home. Insulated garage doors can help reduce energy bills by keeping your home cool during the summer and warm during the winter. Compare wood and steel garage doors in terms of insulation: 

  • Wood garagedoors: Wood is organic and a great natural insulator. Wood garage doors can keep your internal temperature regulated during the summer and winter months. This is ideal for garages that are attached to the home. 
  • Steel garage doors: A detached garage may not necessarily need insulation if it’s being used primarily for storage. Installing an uninsulated steel garage door could save you money. However, if you’re looking for a steel door for your attached garage, you’ll likely want to choose an insulated option. The two main types of insulation used in steel garage doors are polystyrene and polyurethane. Polystyrene is the more affordable option but is also less effective. You can customize the level of insulation based on your home’s needs. 


An important factor in choosing a garage door is its durability. You want peace of mind knowing it can protect you from hazards like fire, storms and wind. Consider the durability of wood vs. steel doors: 

  • Wood garagedoors: Many types of wood are naturally durable, so your door will likely withstand most weather conditions. However, wood is somewhat susceptible to damage or rot from fire, water and insects if it is not properly maintained. You can help prevent damage, chips and cracks through maintenance tasks like applying waterproof paint to your door, but doing so may be time-consuming. 
  • Steel garage doors: Steel is extremely durable. It is fire-proof and resistant to warping, severe weather and cracking, making steel garage doors an excellent choice for many homeowners. Steel doors also require much less maintenance to maintain their effectiveness. 


Your family’s safety and security are nonnegotiable, so you need to be sure that the garage door you install will effectively protect your home and family. Both wood and steel garage doors can provide the security you need:

  • Wood garagedoors: Many people perceive wood garage doors as being less secure since wood is less resilient than other materials. While they may not be as secure as materials like steel, wooden garage doors are very heavy, which adds to their protectiveness. 
  • Steel garage doors: Security is a major pro of steel garages. Steel garage doors are strong and difficult to force open, offering better protection for your home.


Many consumers are mindful of their carbon footprint and want to contribute to a more sustainable environment. If eco-friendliness is important to you, you may want to install a garage door that’s made of natural materials and can be recycled. Here are the pros and cons of steel garages and wood garages in terms of environmental friendliness:

  • Wood garagedoors: One of the pros of wood garages is that their organic composition makes them ideal for recycling at the end of their life span. Wood is also a sustainable building material. 
  • Steel garage doors: Steel garage doors can be a sustainable choice if they are made of recycled materials. Plus, insulated steel garage doors are energy-efficient, increasing their eco-friendliness. 

AAA Garage Door Has Every Garage Door Solution You Need

AAA Garage Door Has Every Garage Door Solution You Need

If you’re still trying to decide which garage door to choose, AAA Garage Door has a solution for you. With a huge selection of garage doors, we will help you find the perfect fit. 

Request an estimate or enquire about our garage door services for more information!

The post Wood vs. Steel Garage Doors appeared first on AAA Garage Door, Inc. | Husker Door.

Faux Wood vs. Wood Garage Doors

Faux Wood vs. Wood Garage Doors

Your garage door is one of the first things guests and strangers notice when they look at the exterior of your house. It may be prominent for different reasons, but it essentially reflects your unique taste and style. 

Whether you’re replacing a broken or faulty garage door or upgrading your current one for added aesthetic appeal, you have countless options to choose from. Faux wood garage doors and real wood garage doors come in various designs and colors, giving you the freedom to personalize them as you please. 

The challenge is deciding which is better suited to your needs. We’ll discuss the different features and the benefits of both to help you make an informed decision. 

Table of Contents

Faux Wood Garage Door Features

You’d never know the difference if you see a faux wood garage door from afar. They look exactly like a wood garage door. The only way you’d be able to tell them apart is by knocking on their surface. Wood-like garage doors resemble real ones but are made of materials like fiberglass, steel and aluminum. Each of these materials makes a distinct sound that will reveal the true nature of the faux wood door. The external layer is made of a blend of real timber, softwood and other wood compounds to give it a natural look. 

Wood Garage Door Features

Real wood garage doors are exquisite and unmatched in beauty, though they can easily be mistaken for faux wood garage doors. Most are manufactured using layers of hardwood rather than traditional solid wood. The one thing that sets them apart from faux wood is the texture and color variation of real wood, which is something that cannot be replicated. The grains and patterns in real wood add depth and character that distinguishes it from wood-like garage doors. 

You’re also able to install custom wooden garage doors by choosing from an array of different wood types like oak, mahogany, cedar and reclaimed wood. You can add panels, frames and windows that highlight its uniqueness and charm to add your desired personal touch. 

Benefits of Faux Wood Garage Doors

Benefits of Faux Wood Garage Doors

Depending on what you have in mind, the benefits of faux wood doors could make it hard for you to choose. There are a few things to consider:

  • Cost and value: Wood substitutes cost less to manufacture, purchase and install, depending on your desired material. Aluminum is generally cheaper than the rest and offers value for money since it is exceptionally resistant to rust and corrosion. Adding insulation will increase the value as it helps regulate your home’s temperature while reducing energy bills. 
  • Appearance: There is almost no distinction between faux wood and real wood garages. Therefore its appearance and curb appeal are equally attractive to its solid wood counterpart. 
  • Weight: Lifting an aluminum or fiberglass garage door versus a real wood door requires less effort since the wood-like alternative is made of lighter material. This also means the opener will experience less strain when opening and closing, ensuring it operates optimally for longer.
  • Maintenance: Maintenance is kept to a minimum with a faux wood door because the material used is able to withstand elements that lead to warping, fading, cracking and rotting. Routine maintenance is still required, although less frequently.
  • Durability: Materials like steel are known for their durability against the destructive effects of strong wind, rain and other weather elements.
  • Life span: Faux wood garage doors can last decades if maintained well, which adds to their value since they are less costly than wood doors.

These faux wood garage door pros certainly make choosing that much harder.

Benefits of Wood Garage Doors

Considering the same factors when deciding on wood vs. faux wood garage doors indicates your choice. These include:

  • Cost and value: Real wood doors are costly, especially if you opt for solid wood like oak or cedar. Customizing it with panels, windows and other features will increase the installation cost. The upside is that you will enjoy a tailored garage door like no other. As with faux wood doors, insulating your wood door will increase your home’s value. 
  • Appearance: Despite being hard to differentiate from wood-like garage doors, real wood doors have inherent qualities that enhance their beauty and style. This can’t be achieved in any other way than by using natural wood, adding unparalleled curbside appeal and elegance. 
  • Maintenance: Your wood door is more likely to undergo regular maintenance because wood is prone to water damage, cracking, rotting and chipping over time and under harsh conditions. Maintenance includes lubricating moving parts, balancing the door properly and checking that the auto-reverse feature is functional. Regardless of whether it is a wood-like or real wood door, keeping your hand on your garage door ensures its longevity and safety for those who use it. 
  • Durability: Wood in itself is durable in nature, so it should withstand extreme weather for an extended period. 
  • Life span: A real wood garage door is expected to last up to 30 years if it is well-maintained. However, its organic nature leaves it predisposed to wear and tear over time, which could mean replacing it sooner than later. However, this should not deter you if you are leaning towards a wood garage door.

Given the substantial benefits, the wood garage door pros listed may not make your decision any easier.

Additional Factors

While the benefits mentioned before might affect your decision to choose one or the other, there are a few other considerations to bear in mind that may be helpful. They are:

  • Climate: While we may experience mid-to-hot weather in the Nebraskan summer with high levels of humidity, winters get extremely cold, with temperatures dwindling in the negative perimeter. Be mindful of this when installing a wood vs faux garage door. Consider the advantages of each in terms of durability and maintenance. 
  • Increased home value: If you upgrade or replace your garage door, your home’s value will likely increase if you decide to sell. An aesthetically appealing door will certainly secure a higher return on investment, especially if it offers additional benefits. 
  • Eco-friendliness: If you are conscientious about the environment and ways to keep it safe, you would probably opt for a wood garage door. It is an eco-friendly alternative to materials like steel and aluminum. 

These additional points may be the ultimate deciding factor between choosing to install a faux garage door or a real wood garage door. It all comes down to your personal requirements, budget, preferences and specific needs. 

Which Is Right for You? Let AAA Garage Doors Help You Decide

Which Is Right for You? Let AAA Garage Doors Help You Decide

Whether you opt for a wood vs faux wood garage door, we have everything you need to perfect your home with the ideal door. If you’re still unsure, our door imagination system will give you a visual aid to show you exactly how each door you try will suit your home. All you need to do is upload a picture of your house to give you an accurate representation. 

What are you waiting for? Submit a contact request form, and we’ll get in touch with you shortly. 

The post Faux Wood vs. Wood Garage Doors appeared first on AAA Garage Door, Inc. | Husker Door.

Everything You Need to Know About Installing Weatherstripping

Whether you’re a first-time home buyer or living on your own as a renter, chances are there are some major and minor projects you’ll need to take care of around the house. While many people know that they have to take care of the gutters, change the air filters, and maintain the appliances, they don’t always know about different tasks like weatherstripping.

Weatherstripping is the process of sealing the exterior crevices of your home. The standard places for people to add weatherstripping include the doors and windows. This isn’t exclusive to the front door or the surrounding windows. The garage door and that half-bathroom window are included, too. Whether you live in a warm climate or a cold climate, it’s an important and effective process to prioritize in your home maintenance plan. Yes, this is a process that you can outsource in order to save time. However, if you understand the logistics of how to do it, this is a project you can do on your own.

Benefits of Weatherstripping

Weatherstripping is effective for a number of reasons. If you live next door to a neighbor who smokes incessantly and you don’t want it to get inside the house, weatherstripping can help to keep the odors at bay.

Weatherstripping is most popularly known for keeping the outside air from coming inside the house. It’s helpful for making sure the indoor air doesn’t escape outside. If you’re paying a utility bill to cover your air conditioning or heating, you don’t want to waste any of that energy by allowing the air to slip outside. Weatherstripping keeps everything where it’s supposed to be. The outdoor air won’t come in, and the indoor air won’t go out.

Another thing that won’t be able to come in is a bug. Whether you’re looking to keep out the ants, roaches, or flies, no one wants to attract those small bugs that can easily seep through cracks and crevices that aren’t sealed. While some people choose to use a caulking method, you can actually use a weather-stripping process to keep bugs, dust, and debris from coming inside of the house.

Lastly, weatherstripping can also serve as a sound barrier. If your neighbors tend to make a lot of noise or if you just hear the natural sounds of the outdoors, weatherstripping can muffle the sounds a bit.

Best Times for Weatherstripping

When you’re preparing to set weatherstripping over the windows and doors of your home, chances are you’ll want to be mindful of the air that’s escaping from these areas. Because of this, there are two times that are most ideal for installing weatherstripping.

For starters, you’ll want to consider the climate you live in. The early spring and late fall tend to be the best times to install weatherstripping. This is because during these two times, the outdoor weather tends to be pretty comfortable. It’s also comfortable enough for you to turn off your HVAC system.

When the system isn’t running, you’ll mitigate the chances of wasting money by allowing air to just flow outside. While this process isn’t one that takes hours, it’s not necessarily going to take you 30 seconds either. When you can take your time and methodically lay down the weatherstripping in a thorough manner without worrying about wasting energy, you’ll get the best results. Consider the times of year when you can comfortably turn off your HVAC system and spend time installing the weatherstripping without wasting money.

Steps for Installation

1. Remove the Old Weatherstripping Seal

If there is weatherstripping installed, this is the opportunity to remove it. Start by using a pair of pliers or even your hands to remove the seal. Begin from the top, and work your way down to the bottom. Do your best to take your time so that no part of the seals gets stuck within the crevices. Taking your time also helps lead to easier cleanup.

2. Clean the Surface Area

Once you’ve removed the weatherstripping seals, take time to actually clean the surface area. Begin by getting a vacuum cleaner that has a hose attachment. Use the attachment to get into the crevices, and thoroughly clean the corners of either the doors or the windows.

Once you’ve vacuumed and removed all of the dust from those areas, use some paper towels or a damp cloth and some rubbing alcohol. Use the alcohol solution (or a cleaning solution of your choosing) to loosen up any extra dirt that might have settled in and proved to be harder to remove with the vacuum. Once those corners are thoroughly cleaned, you can either let them air dry or use a paper towel or hand towel to dry them manually.

3. Measure the Stripping Seal

While this step might seem unnecessary, you actually don’t want to waste time or money. One of the best ways to guarantee an efficient process is by checking your measurements to make sure that you have enough stripping seal for the surface area that you are applying it to.

Use a measuring tape in order to get your specifications right. Particularly for areas like doors and windows, it’s nicer when you can have one clean line instead of a bunch of cuts in between lines. Once you’re clear that you have enough and that it fits perfectly for the area that you’re adding it to, go ahead and prepare to actually apply it to the area.

4. Apply It to the Area

Now that it’s time to actually apply the weatherstripping seal to your doors and windows, be mindful to start from one corner to the next. Take your time as you slowly and gently push the seal into the designated crevice. Even though it might seem appropriate to stuff it completely into the section, leave a little bit of room so that you can make the necessary adjustments. Remember that a portion of the seal needs to protrude in order to actually close the gaps. Once you place the seal on a portion, use your hands to push and secure it in place.

5. Test for Effectiveness

Once you’ve secured the weatherstripping seal, it’s time to test for effectiveness. If you’ve secured the seal to a window, open the window and close it. If it tends to open and close with ease, this is a sign that you don’t need to make any more adjustments. When you are able to do the same with the various doors that you’ve applied the seal to, you don’t need to do anything else with it. If you find that you’re able to put your hand over a crack and still feel air from the outside, this is an indication that you need to readjust the seal. If you’re unable to do it on your own, it’s okay to reach out and invest in professional assistance to help you because weatherstripping will save you time, energy, and money in the long haul.

Reaching Out to Professionals

There can be understandable trepidation about doing this process on a garage door. Garage doors are much heavier, and they can potentially be more dangerous. By reaching out to the garage door professionals at the Garage Door Doctor, you’ll be able to rest easily and know that the outdoor elements won’t invade your garage. Plus, you won’t have to take on such a large project on your own. For more information on how we can serve you, contact us today!

The post Everything You Need to Know About Installing Weatherstripping appeared first on Garage Door Doctor.

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How to Protect Your Garage Door From Hackers

That’s right: Your garage door can be hacked. Your home is more vulnerable than you think, and today’s thieves are cracking open garages in a digital realm. You might be vulnerable, but you have options. As today’s technology is improving, so are your tools to fight back. Being vigilant helps, but it won't provide long-term security. If you want to keep your garage safe, you’ll need to rely on a trusted provider. Door Power is here to help, and our garage solutions guarantee year-round protection. 

How Can Door Power Protect Your Garage?

A thief's garage hacked targets "fixed code" systems. These systems are used in old garage doors. Typically, any garage door made over ten years ago will use a fixed code system. For this reason, it’s a good idea to update your garage’s remote system as soon as possible.

Door Power garage controls use rolling code systems. These systems can’t be searched by potential hackers, and their constant code cycling is a digital lock against all intruders.

Expert Technicians

Door Power garage installations are conducted by expert technicians. From the ground up, your garage is defended by the industry’s finest. Each Door Power technician is highly trained, and each has mastered the art of garage door installations. Before every installation, a garage is inspected for possible weaknesses. Then, subcontractors expertly neutralize them.

Emergency Repair and Replacement

Don’t wait for a hacker to come knocking on your digital doors. Garage door openers can become outdated, and it’s your responsibility to make sure yours isn’t. Door Power technicians are available for immediate services. We’ve been in the industry for years, and we understand the importance of immediate services. Your old garage door may be easily manipulated. Door Power products, however, can fortify your home for the long haul.

If you’re worried about residential garage door hackers, contact Door Power today. In any event, you should keep an eye on your front yard. Install a security camera system, and make sure you’re able to watch your garage area with care. Even if you’re at risk of digital attacks, you can still ward off perpetrators. Door Power technicians follow a code of integrity, and they’re always ready to strengthen your home’s most valuable area.

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5 Reasons Why You Need to Repair Your Old Garage Door Opener

Your garage door might be safe in your car, but it’s taking damage over time. Electronics age, and homeowners often find themselves with dysfunctional—or, worse, unfunctional—garage door remotes. Every so often, you should check your door openers for bugs and quirks. If any electrical problems get out of hand, they can easily become long-lasting problems. Below are the main reasons you should get a check-up, or even a replacement.

Reason One: A Noisy Garage

Is your garage moaning and groaning? It might be an old model. It might also have outdated components. Modern garage door openers are almost silent, but age-old openers can squeal with years of overuse. Check your opener’s noise level, and make sure you’re not leaving it to degrade.

Reason Two: You Want Batteries 

Nobody wants to be locked out during a power outage. Older garage door models have emergency pull latches, but these mechanisms can get stuck after years of use. Newer models have battery-powered back-up features. Even if your old electronic door opener works, it might not save you during an emergency. Aim for the peace of mind.

Reason Three: You Want a Keypad

New garage door opener models have associated keypads. If you want to open your garage door from the outside, you should consider getting a simple, programmable keypad. A keypad widens your accessibility options, giving you custom security options.

Reason Four: Lacking Safety Reversal

Any garage door opener made before 1993 may lack safety reversal mechanisms. These mechanisms use two sensors—each about six inches above the floor—on either end of the door. If any child passes through its light beam, the door stops and reverses. You should replace your opener if it doesn’t have this feature, as all modern garage door openers are outfitted with them.

Reason Five: You’re Vulnerable

Old garage door openers can be hacked. Today’s thieves are a smart bunch, and they’re creating digital garage door openers out of toys. Fortunately, you can upgrade to a modern digital opener—which defends your home against these tactics. While the chances of theft are small, they certainly exist. Don’t take any chances.

Your home’s security is in your hands. Make sure you’re defended, and don’t let an emergency catch you unaware. A garage door opener isn’t too difficult to repair or replace. If you think your opener has taken damage over the years, don’t hesitate to contact us atYour garage door might be safe in your car, but it’s taking damage over time. Electronics age, and homeowners often find themselves with dysfunctional—or, worse, unfunctional—garage door remotes. Every so often, you should check your door openers for bugs and quirks. If any electrical problems get out of hand, they can easily become long-lasting problems. Below are the main reasons you should get a check-up, or even a replacement.. We will make sure your home is safe, secure, and reliable! Give us a call at 952-467-3199 to request service or get a free estimate!


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