Month: June 2020

Why is My Garage Door Remote Not Working?

Having a garage door remote in your car is one of life’s purest conveniences. Press the button, and your garage door opens and closes, just like magic. But on the flip side, there are few things as frustrating as not being able to use the remote due to some unknown issue.

Having served the Salt Lake City area with garage door repair since 2005, we see all kinds of issues that can cause a garage door remote to not work properly.

If you are dealing with a non-functional garage door remote, here are some of the most common causes of the problem and what you can do about them:

1. Garage Door Remote Has Dead Batteries

It’s very common for garage door remotes to have a dead battery, especially when they are used every day. This can be easier to check if your remote has an indicator light, which will either look dimmer than usual or not blink at all when pressed.

To resolve this problem, change out the battery (or batteries) in the garage door remote. Easy!

2. Opener Has LED Light Bulb(s)

Although LED light bulbs are a good choice due to low power consumption and high brightness, they are also known to cause interference issues with garage door remotes. We get calls frequently from homeowners who are unable to get a remote to work after replacing batteries and even reprogramming the remote, all because an LED light bulb disrupts the signal to the opener. Sometimes the garage door remote will still work up close, but not farther away.

The fix here is simple: try using a CFL or incandescent bulb instead. If you don’t have any other bulbs, pull out the LED bulb to test and see if that clears up the problem. Note that openers with built-in LED light strips are not affected by this issue.

3. Issues With Safety Sensors (Eye Sensors)

Your safety sensors (also known as eye sensors, or photo eye sensors) are the small boxes about six inches from the floor on either side of the garage door that will prevent the door from closing if anything blocks the line of sight between them using infrared signals. Some old openers may not have them, but they have been required for new systems since 1993 for safety reasons (read about UL 325).

garage door safety sensor lights

Most openers will have safety sensors with LED light indicators that show whether the system is functioning. LiftMaster sensors will have one transmitter sensor (orange light) and a receiver sensor (green light), and most manufacturers have a similar setup. Both of these sensors must stay lit during operation in order for the door to close properly. If there is any interruption in the signal, the door will either back up part way while closing, or not close at all. If the LEDs are blinking or flickering at any point during operation, that is a clear sign that your garage door’s safety sensors are not working.

Here are some common causes for safety sensor issues:

  • Obstructions. Anything from a vehicle to a yard tool to cobwebs can interrupt the signal between sensors. Even a bit of dirt on the sensor lens could cause it. Clear away anything getting between the sensors, and make sure the sensors themselves are clean.
  • Misalignment. If the safety sensors are ever bumped out of place or removed from their mounts, this will also interrupt the line of sight between them. Repositioning the sensors back so the LEDs stay lit and tightening them by hand (usually done with a wingnut) should do the trick.
  • Unsecure installation. If the sensor mount or the hardware that it is attached to moves during operation, it can compromise the signal. Tracks that are not installed properly can lead to this behavior. Even a split second is enough to cause the door to reverse course. Tightening the bolts or screws holding everything in place may help.
  • Sunlight. UV light interferes with the infrared signals used by the safety sensors, which can cause the system to behave as though there is a blockage. This can be solved by swapping the transmitting and receiving sensors (LiftMaster instructions), purchasing or making a sun shield (LiftMaster part), or ordering a new sensor set.
  • Bad wiring. A severed wire will cause the sensor to not function at all, look for any cut, mangled, or chewed wires. A poor connection, on the other hand, can lead to intermittent behavior. As systems age, or if connections are not protected from the elements, they can fail over time or only work occasionally.

Note: Most openers will allow you to override the garage door safety sensors by holding the button on the wall panel for several seconds and allow the door to close. Please do this with extreme caution, as if there is anything blocking normal operation of the door, it could cause serious property damage or injury.

4. Check for Obstructions

If the door starts to close then stops and goes back, there is something blocking the door’s normal operation.

Garage door openers have an adjustable force setting, which tells the system to reverse the door if something is blocking the door while closing. Like safety sensors, this is a feature intended to avoid property damage and personal injury. However, unlike safety sensor issues, the opener doesn’t blink several times when the operation is interrupted. If you have a wall panel with a display, it will notify you of the issue:

Most obstructions will be obvious, most of us have accidentally left a rake or bike tire in the way of the garage door, causing it to stop and go back up. But in some cases, there could be something much more subtle leading to the same problem.

Be sure to check the tracks for debris or anything that could be blocking the rollers or cables, especially near the track hardware. We’ve seen all kinds of things from broom handles to stray ropes and children’s toys get in the way of the door.

5. Broken or Misadjusted Parts

If the door goes up just a foot or two when opening and then goes back down, you could be looking at a broken spring or cable, or some other issue that needs to be resolved before the door can operate properly.

The springs, torsion rod, drums, and cables in your system all work together to support the weight of the garage door, so if any part of that is compromised it can cause the opener to lift more weight than they may be designed to handle (some doors weigh hundreds of pounds). Consequently, the door is raised slightly and goes back down.

6. Reprogramming Needed

If none of the above issues apply, reprogramming the remote may help with the issue. Each unit can be different, but if you have a LiftMaster remote, we have a step-by-step article that will help walk you through the process of programming it to your opener.

7. Advanced Issues

If all else fails, it’s possible that the remote itself is broken, or the logic board in the opener no longer functions properly. In these cases, replacing the faulty equipment is the only route to getting things back up and running.

Garage Door Remote Still Not Working? Let Us Help!

If you’re stuck with a non-functioning garage door remote, A Plus garage Doors can help. We serve northern Utah with garage door repair and installation services, including Salt Lake City, Ogden, Park City, Provo, and surrounding areas.

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How To Tell And What To Do If Your Garage Rollers Wear Out

Garage door rollers are an integral part of your garage door’s functionality. With malfunctioning rollers, your garage door will struggle to open and cause other issues. However, if you’re not familiar with how your garage door’s mechanics, you may not even know what the rollers are or how to tell if they need to be repaired. For this reason, among several others, it is crucial you find a trusted team of technicians to help you maintain and service your garage. So, what do you need to look for when you are examining your door for regular maintenance.

What To Look For During Routine Maintenance

While you should have a technician come out at least once per year to make sure your door is operating efficiently, there is some routine maintenance you can do on your own. While you’re conducting this maintenance, you need to look for a few different things when it comes to your rollers. Signs that your rollers are not operating how they should include:

The Door Not Opening | If the rollers of your door are damaged or worn out, it will be pretty obvious to you, especially if your door is slow to open or not opening at all. If this is the case, you should check the rollers inside the rail to see if that is indeed the problem. From there, you should contact a technician at Bluff Country Garage Doors.

Uncommon Noises | Your garage door obviously makes noises when it opens and closes, but it should always be a consistent, mechanical noise from the motor. If the noise your garage door usually makes starts to differ and sounds like something is wrong, contact a technician as soon as possible.

Door Misalignment | If the wheels of your door start to slip off the rails, that is a surefire sign that your door is misaligned, and your rollers need to be replaced or repaired. If the door slips off the rails, it can be dangerous for both you and your vehicles, and it can be difficult to get the door back on the rails. If you notice this happening, contact Bluff Country Garage Doors today.

What New Rollers Are Available?

If you or a technician notice your garage door rollers are damaged, you should immediately look into replacing them with new rollers. If you have an older home, the chances are that your rollers have not been replaced recently and are outdated. If this is the case, it’s more important than ever that you get newer products to ensure safety and functionality. New rollers are typically made of nylon and have ball bearings, and they have either an open design or a sealed design. To ensure these new rollers last for their designated lifespan, you need to ensure they are lubricated on a consistent basis. We can do this for you at Bluff Country Garage Doors.

Contact Bluff Country Garage Doors Today

If you are in Southeastern Minnesota, Northeastern Iowa, or Western Wisconsin and looking for a licensed garage door technician to help you give your garage door regular maintenance or repairs, contact Bluff Country Garage Doors today. With regular maintenance from professionals, you can ensure your door lasts for its intended lifespan. To learn more, give us a call at 612-226-4721 or message us on our contact page today.

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Why We Love Martin Garage Doors

Why We Love Martin Garage Doors

We work with a lot of great companies and vendors for our garage doors, openers, and other replacement parts, but we have a special place in our hearts for Martin Garage Doors here at A Plus Garage Doors.

Like A Plus Garage Doors, Martin Garage Doors is a local Utah company. Their headquarters have been based in Salt Lake City, Utah since 1942, but the company was first started in Santa Ana, California in 1936 by Leno Martin. And now more than ever, we believe it is crucial to the health of our local economy to seek out and support Utah businesses.

Here are some of the reasons why we love Martin garage doors.

Martin Garage Doors: A Local Experience

Companies that have been around for a long time and grown from a small team often turn into something completely different over time. But the folks at Martin Door take the same approach we do, which is to provide personalized customer service for every interaction, including having a live person answering the phone to answer questions instead of an automated system.

If you visit their headquarters in Salt Lake City during regular business hours, Martin Doors will gladly provide a tour of their manufacturing facility as well as a showroom with an array of garage door models and colors, with some unique historical pieces on display.

The Martin Door Showroom

Just to the right of the front-door entrance you’ll find the showroom with many doors on display, from the standard models to more unique samples that you don’t see everyday (including a copper garage door!).

One of my favorites of the bunch, the door pictured below is a replica of the style used when the company first started. Because steel was reserved for national defense purposes during World War II, these hinges were made from old army bunks that were cut and welded together.

In those days, the materials to build the door were transported on site, then the door was framed and constructed in place. Unlike modern panel doors, these swung out as a single unit. They were sometimes referred to as “shin busters” or “chin busters” due to the injuries that could occur within the door’s broad swing radius.

The Production Floor

Before you go for the full tour, be advised that you should have some comfortable shoes on, as there’s a lot to explore in the 250,000 sq ft production floor. But there is also plenty to see and learn about the process to produce Martin’s garage doors.

Premium Safety Hardware

Martin garage doors have developed several proprietary safety features that go above and beyond what some manufacturers provide in the garage door industry. Some estimates indicate that around 30,000 garage door injuries occur annually, so safe installation and operation is always a concern of ours.


One of the prominent innovations to come out of Martin garage doors is its unique safety joint system called FingerShield, which prevents injuries to fingers and other accidents by minimizing the space between panels while a door is moving up and down. The image below shows how this works when the door is in motion.

martin garage door safety hinge system

Low-Profile Hinges

Standard door hinges tend to be bulky, which has two side effects: (1) they stick out from the door and pose a risk of accidental collision to hands, the head, etc., and (2) they increase the possibility of pinching during operation.

Martin’s premium hinges, on the other hand, are made to minimize these risks by being smaller and more than strong enough to tackle the same job.

Specialized Tracks

Martin includes track systems with its doors that prevent accidental injury and property damage by reducing the holes on the sides of a track.

martin garage door safety track system

While the odds of this happening may seem small, you definitely don’t want to risk having your fingers or a rake handle in the track when the door is moving. We’ve had several emergency calls where a door comes off track due to unexpected obstructions and can vouch for the importance of small but important details like these.

Side-Mounted Springs

Most garage door systems use springs mounted in the center of the torsion tube, the bar that the springs are attached to. While this works fine for many installations, if the hardware is mounted improperly or the structure that the center bracket attaches to is compromised, the mechanism can fail or cause serious injury. Here’s a video of what that can look like (WARNING: contains graphic images):

Side-mounted springs instead apply the force of the springs to the hardware on each side of the hardware above the garage door, which is mounted all along the height of the track system and can prevent system failure and injury.

martin garage door spring safety system

Style Options

A big reason we love Martin garage doors is that our customers love them. Specifically, the looks and structural benefits they provide.

Reverse Angle Shield

Most garage doors rest directly on the jamb of the framed structure when closed. This can pose some problems when installed in a climate that varies between seasons, as temperature extremes and exposure to moisture can cause wood and other materials to contract and expand, sometimes leading to issues where the door is closer or farther away from the wall compared to when it was installed. In extreme cases, this can lead to the door being obstructed from closing properly.

Steel-Framed Windows

While many manufacturers install windows exclusively by cutting part of the panel away to allow the window and frame to be inserted into the panel (called “window inserts”), Martin garage doors offer the option of windows that are manufactured as part of the door. While there is nothing inherently wrong with window inserts, steel-framed windows allow for a slimmer, full-strength install. The frames around the windows take up less space, which means more light can come in through the windows while not compromising the panel structure. Windows are available in both glass and acrylic, with many tint and privacy options.


The other major style benefit Martin garage doors provides is the array of finishes. They carry finishes for steel, powder coat, and anodized aluminum, but we consider their wood grain look for metal panels to be the among the best in the industry. See the color options here.

Here are some examples of Martin garage doors we have installed for our customers:

martin garage door installation utah
martin garage door installation utah
martin garage door installation utah

Get a Free Estimate on a Martin Garage Door

As an authorized dealer of Martin garage doors, we can attest to the quality of their products and customer service. We enjoy working with the company and are happy to provide a free estimate for a new garage door or repairs.

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Summer Garage Maintenance Tips

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3 Signs That You Might Need Garage Door Repair This Summer

The last thing you need this summer is your garage door to stop working, leaving your car stuck in the heat outdoors. How can you tell if your garage door is malfunctioning or even beyond repair? Today, we’re breaking down some of the main tell-tale signs of a broken garage door.

Abnormal Noises

Garage doors shouldn’t be making abnormally loud noises or squeaking incessantly when being used. Some noise is to be expected, but if your garage door is making unusual sounds that it didn’t before, the chances are that something has gone awry. Each different sound, from grating to ticking to squealing, has a different mechanical cause. Therefore, it’s essential to contact a professional to inspect the door further.

Open/Close Issues

The entire purpose of a garage door is to open and close so you can secure your storage space, but still gain access to your belongings when you need them. If your door doesn’t open and close the way it is meant to, it is critical to seek professional assistance as soon as possible, so that you can reclaim your garage as a functional space. If the garage door refuses to budge even after being investigated for potential repairs, getting a garage door replacement in Salt Lake County from our team at Affordable Garage Door Repair may be your best option.

Automated Failure

Many households utilize automatic garage doors for convenience, but malfunctions within these systems can disrupt your daily life. If your opening system is no longer working as it should, something has probably gone wrong. Call in a professional to check out the system as soon as possible, and rely on opening the garage manually in the meantime. If the system is beyond repair, in the long run, your best option is to reach out to our team for an automatic garage door installation service in Murray, UT, and the surrounding areas to get a replacement as soon as possible.

Why it Matters

Taking notice of these problems now, rather than letting them fester and become much more significant issues that force replacement, will save you both time and money. By hiring a professional to come to check out your faulty garage door, you ensure that whatever is wrong will be appropriately diagnosed and that we can find a functional solution. 

If you require our garage door replacement or repair services, do not hesitate to contact us today.

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